Pacific Northwest Medicine Making and Botanical Extract Guide

  • Botanical extract chart for 104 medicinal plants commonly found in the Pacific Northwest
  • Step-by-step instructions for both the scientific and folk methods of tincturing

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  • Botanical extract chart for 104 medicinal plants commonly found in the Pacific Northwest
  • Step-by-step instructions for both the scientific and folk methods of tincturing

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  • Botanical extract chart for 104 medicinal plants commonly found in the Pacific Northwest
  • Step-by-step instructions for both the scientific and folk methods of tincturing

Available now!

This 11 x 17 inch guide featuring a botanical extract chart that details standard tincturing ratios and menstruum percentages for 104 medicinal plants commonly found in the Pacific Northwest, also illustrates step-by-step instructions for both the scientific and folk methods of tincturing. Laminated and tri-folded for durability and portability, the Pacific Northwest Medicine Making and Botanical Extract Guide is designed to be used in the field as well as in the "lab." It is a wonderful companion to Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants:  Identify, Harvest, and Use 120 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness from which the information for this guide was culled.

  • Created by Scott Kloos
  • full-color 11 x 17 inch laminated tri-fold
  • free shipping

From the Guide:

When wildcrafting I approach each plant with respect and humility, express my gratitude for all the plant has done and will do for me and my community, and make offerings. I sing and pray every step of the way to ensure that the medicine I make is imbued with the spirit of the plant. Because the taste of the plant reflects it’s medicinal effect, my goal is to make medicine that tastes just like the fresh plant. Please use these ratios and percentages as a starting point in your own tincturing explorations, and always remember to listen. The plants speak softly, but they have so much to share. Many thanks to Michael Moore & Richo Cech for their medicine making inspiration!
Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants
Forest Medicine Song Book (4th Edition)