Songs of Healing and Devotion
“The plant comes and talks to you, it teaches you to sing.”
These songs come from the more-than-human world. Singing them opens us to sacred spaces that connect us with the wisdom of Earth and helps us to understand and amplify the medicine of the plants and the elemental forces of the land. Each one is a living entity with its own unique vibratory frequency that brings healing to the person who receives it. This can then be transmitted to others and literally “calls” the healing forces to come help and guide us.
My plant allies once said to me, “The proof of your healing is the singing of these songs.” Receiving and learning to sing a song alters us on a fundamental level. Some songs are not easy to sing at first. They work on us in the same way that plants offer us healing. They move through us to open new pathways so that they can move freely through our energetic beings.
Singing is a way to stay centered and grounded. That’s why I sing everyday. I especially work with song when I feel out of sorts. Singing connects me with my breath, opens my heart, and attunes me to the vibrations of the world.
Working with song to activate spaces of learning allows the conceptual mind to step aside and amplifies our receptivity to a plant’s energies. Singing with others teaches us to find true harmony.
I humbly offer these songs as part of an emerging culture of remembrance that is creating opportunities for shared experiences of living in harmony with the land, the more-thanhuman forces of Earth, Sky, and Sea, and all beings of this creation.
Sing these songs of healing, praise, and celebration from the depths of your heart so their medicinal vibrations may touch you and those around you at the deepest level, and please spread these messages from the spirits far and wide as we honor these beings that offer us so much.
140+ Songs of Devotion and Renewal Received from the Beings of the Forest and Other Forces of Wild Nature