Spreading Seeds Far and Wide
You know, we’ve spent a lot of time learning about plants. Have you ever stopped to wonder what we could learn from plants? Scott Kloos has. And the plants have taught him many lessons about such things as reciprocity, nurturing, and cultural evolution (just to name a few). Scott shares with us his deep passion for searching out ways to transition our current cultural relationship with plants (and all things, really) from a transactional way of being to a more relational way of being; a view in which we cease to view our landscape as a commodity and instead return ourselves as living participants within that landscape.
My friend Sajah Popham of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism interviewed me for his podcast in May 2019. I super enjoyed our conversation which touched on a number of topics including a deeper understanding of our human relationship to ecological intelligence as it relates to wildcrafting, making medicine, and inspiring healing as plant medicine practitioners. Enjoy!
Dianne Allen of the Someone Gets Me podcast and I spoke in May 2019. We covered many topics including:
how I got my start with plants and herbal medicine
opening our perceptions and finding intimate connections with the world through our favored practices such as wildcrafting or sailing
finding ways to hear what our bodies and our greater ecological selves are trying to tell us
and so much more
Check it out here: Curiosity in Nature
Interview with Stephanie Potter on KBOO’s Recovery Zone:
Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants Offer Connection and Healing
Interview with John Baxter on Jefferson Public Radio’s The Jefferson Exchange:
Interview with Emily Green for Street Roots News:
Plants for our bodies and minds: Scott Kloos the wildcrafter