cAlling the Spirits of the forest

Awaken Your True Interconnected Nature Through In-Depth Study—One Plant at a Time

Experience the Medicinal wisdom of Plants through
the Practice of Botanical Ally Immersions

Whether you’re just beginning or wanting to deepen your appreciation of plants, these Botanical Ally Immersions
provide inspiration and guidance for you on your journey through life.

From their medicinal properties to their embodied and archetypal teachings, Explore…


Upcoming Immersions (More to come soon!)

Calling the Spirits of the Forest: St. John's Wort

When: 4 Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm Pacific Time (June 25, July 2, July 9, July 16)
Where: Zoom (you’ll receive the link after you register)


a Forgotten richness REady to awaken

When I explore my ancestral heritage, I find a forgotten richness ready to awaken within my body. Plants play important roles in many of the epic tales, poems, and romantic literature of the West, and even today plants like the Oak and Rose reside in the imaginations of many.

What words come to mind when you contemplate Oak or Rose? How does your body feel when you become present with the archetypal energies associated with these words?

Can you imagine a world in which all plants can teach us in this way? It is this that we call forth in each of these extended botanical ally encounters.

In Calling the Spirits of the Forest, we work with plants that have presented themselves to our community as the teachers we need, for our specific place and time, to become better humans in relationship with ourselves, with Earth, and with all the beings with whom we share this life.

As you get to know and understand the plant’s medicine by repeatedly connecting with it, you cannot help but understand its essential nature in an increasingly deep and refined way. This process triggers self-remembrance as the plant reveals your own true identity, and a reciprocal and unending spiral of illumination occurs.

how can these plants support and guide us?

When we ingest a plant with intention, allow their energetic presence to move through our physical and energetic bodies, and develop a relationship that honors the plant as a spiritual and energetic teacher, something special happens. The plant reveals habitual patterns that lead to our unnecessary suffering, evidence of which include:

  • difficulties in establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with others

  • anxiety that ungrounds us and depression that brings us down

  • dissatisfaction with our life circumstance or attachment to past wounds that prevent us from experiencing contentment

  • apathy, procrastination, and fear that prevent us from fulfilling our life’s promise

When communing with the plant consistently, their teachings imprint themselves upon our beings. As our awareness and energetic capacities broaden. the plant reveals new pathways of expression and:

  • our resilience strengthens and our ability to respond appropriately to challenging situation increases

  • our understanding of Self firms along with a deeper sense of trust and self-worth

  • we feel more confident and able to consummate our life’s mission

Bleeding Heart Dicentra formosa

The healing benefit of each plant runs along a continuum. On one side we see the imbalanced or unhealthy aspects of ourselves. We are conditioned to stop the process when the discomfort or unease ceases, but if we follow the trajectory of the plant’s medicine, previously hidden, life-affirming aspects of our beings emerge and become normal and integral parts of who we are.

Learn from the plants within a community of like-hearted seekers

Ashsusha aka Oplopanax horridus

Throughout the year, we immerse ourselves in deep study with seasonally relevant Botanical Allies. Within each four-week immersion, we call upon one our most venerable plant teachers to share their gifts of wisdom, healing and renewal.

Guided by Scott Kloos, we cultivate a space of mutual learning:

  • by calling each plant through song

  • via experiential meditations to help us embody the plant’s archetypal teachings

  • through the weaving of our shared experience as we hold space for and witness each other’s processes of unfurling

Gathering together with a shared intention amplifies our experience of the plants. It also allows a diversity of wisdom to flow from the plants to the group via the unique channel of each participant, something that only happens within the context of community.

We encourage participants to continue engaging with the plant in between each session and will provide prompts to inspire your inquiry.

It is helpful, though not necessary, when learning this way to also ingest a botanical extract of the plant. We are happy to offer a 20% off coupon and discount on shipping for those who would like to purchase a 1oz. bottle from our sister company, Cascadia Folk Medicine.


Intro to the Course

Intro for Botanical Allies for Becoming Better Humans course