Coming Back to Presence with the Living Earth


Ecological Intelligence
Thinking and working with plants and ecological intelligence to transform our understanding of human-nonhuman relationship as we remember our essential bond with the Living Earth.

In addition to the above you will find a bit of information about wildcrafting, medicine making, and working with medicinal plants.

Concepts of Plant Teachers Scott Kloos Concepts of Plant Teachers Scott Kloos

Plant Teachers in our Own Lands

Working with plants on a spiritual level is a revolutionary act. In my mind and heart I perceive the fundamental disharmony of Western society to be the disconnect from the spiritual aspects of life. Many of us feel like we don’t belong on this planet or don’t deserve to be alive. As if we were parasites on the earth; taking but not giving back. Perhaps we feel guilty about the way this land was stolen or the way the original inhabitants of the land were treated.

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